Naperville Jewelry & Loan offers on the spot cash for most items of value. All loans require collateral, which can be just about anything. Your items will be quickly evaluated by our friendly, expert staff while you wait. Certain art and antiquities may require additional time to appraise. We accept gold, silver, platinum, diamond jewelry, brand name watches, as well as estate and signed pieces. We will also allow customers to be creative when bringing things in. If we can determine its’ value, then we can give you cash.
Please feel free to contact us about anything you may have in the way of collateral. No loan is too small or too large, and most items can be appraised on the spot.
Contact Us Today!
Monday – Friday
10AM – 6PM
10AM – 4PM
Please Use Form Below
Naperville Pawn Shop – Jewelry & Loan
605 E Ogden Ave Ste D
Naperville, IL 60563